Grievance Cell
We have been serving the cause of the print industry and our members since more than 66 years and are a proud family of reputed processors, printers, finishers and suppliers from and around Greater Mumbai and MMR area.
In the event of a dispute (be it over bill receivables, sub-par service or materials commitment or similar) between a member of our Association and their client/ third party, the Association renders services through a dedicated and independent project called Grievance Cell. Under this cell, we strive to ensure the concerned parties i.e. the complainant (bonafide BMPA member) and their defaulter/debtor are motivated to resolve their differences /disputes amicably. The entire conversation is made – in a spirit that would nurture the scope of future business opportunity and sustain established relationships.
In the past, our gentle approach as a mediator/arbitrator, has saved unpleasant legal battles between the aggrieved parties. Our action has not only resolved issues but has also promoted good business relationships.
In other words, this is a quasi arbitration forum. An initiative of association “To undertake by arbitration the settlement of commercial disputes and also to provide for arbitration in respect of disputes arising in the course of printing and other allied industries and to secure the services of expert technical and other personnel for that purpose, if necessary or desirable.”
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Activities by BMPA

The Share to Benefit (StB) Forum is an active initiative taken by the BMPA.The Forum...
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Members Loyalty Discount Program especially brought for the members an avail discounts...
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Print Summit
In the year 2005 which was the 50th Anniversary of BMPA a grand initiative...
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